Shop Progress Rebooted
Shop progress is always a welcomed site to see! There are a variety of reasons that have caused delays in shop progress over the past year but since around February things have started moving forward again. I had been trying to post this update from my phone but have had continued issues with the WordPress app and loading photos for a number of months now without resolution. I finally got around to transferring the pictures to my computer, allowing me to upload them here and FINALLY make this post.
Let’s run through some progress… back in February I was able to get concrete poured to provide a small entrance to the shop’s high-bay door as well as the entry door to the office.
In March I had gutters installed on the shop which will help with water run-off and soil erosion.
Once the rest of the shop is done (i.e. interior finished and moved in) I will likely run the downspouts into the ground and install some pop-up emitters to further reduce any erosion… and I simply think it looks better 🙂
Over the past year, I was not able to find a HVAC company who wanted to tackle the system installation mainly due to the custom build floor trusses and the fact that they had to be cut to allow for the duct work to pass through. I advised various companies that I would cut the trusses if they would simply provide the duct sizing. Long story short, I went to YouTube University and learned how to design my own HVAC system including number and sizes of the vents [registers] and all of the duct work needed. Once that was done, I got to work cutting the trusses to allow for the main HVAC trunk to pass through.
I ended up being able to work with a family member, Uncle Dustin, to get the HVAC duct work installed. If you look closely, the (4) 6″ registers are spaced along the back wall and will provide a nice climate controlled office space!